Disc Pain Treatments

If you’re looking for disc pain treatments in Boca Raton, FL, then you should get in contact with Dr. David Goldberg. Disc pain can be a debilitating issue that can leave people struggling with daily living. The good news is that chiropractors are experts when it comes to treating such pains. Even so, treating disc issues can be rather complex, so it helps to work with experienced professionals like Dr. Goldberg.

Understanding the Discs and What Causes Pain

Your spine is pretty incredible when you think about how flexible and strong it is. It took a long time for human engineers to be able to match the spine’s natural abilities. The spinal column is made up of bones called vertebrae that protect the spinal cord, which consists of the nerves and other tissues that run through hollow sections of the vertebrae and form a central part of the nervous system.

The facet joints connecting the vertebrae to each other allow the spine to flex and bend (within reason). This would create a lot of wear and tear, but soft, gel-like discs between the vertebrae provide a cushion and space them out so that nerves can emerge from the spinal cord. Over time, however, the discs will lose fluid and become less effective. This can result in disc pain.

Various injuries and strain on the spine can cause disc issues as well. If you use improper lifting techniques, for example, the soft inner part of the discs might bulge outward, resulting in a herniated disc. Fortunately, residents of Boca Raton, FL, can contact Dr. Goldenberg for disc pain treatments.

Treatment for Disc Pain Explained

Sadly, disc pain often proves to be progressive. If your aches are the result of aging, time could continue to wear you and your spine down. If injuries go unaddressed, they often fail to heal. This is true for any part of the body, but is especially problematic with the spine.

Chiropractic adjustments, which involve hands-on manipulation of the spine, can relieve disc pain. Dr. Goldberg also provides a deep massager and therapeutic exercise recommendations as adjuncts to treatment, as disc problems tend to cause muscle inflammation, as well.

The best approach will depend on various individualized factors. You can contact Dr. Goldberg by dialing 561 368 2446. He provides disc pain treatments to the Boca Raton, FL, community and other areas nearby.

Located in Shore Center

450 NE 20th Street Suite 114 | Boca Raton, FL 33431

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9:00 am-2:00 pm


2:00 pm-6:00 pm


9:00 am-2:00 pm


2:00 pm-6:00 pm


9:00 am-12:00 pm


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